.that Uganda remains the only country in East Africa lenient with foreigners.
Kenyans, Rwandans, Sudanese, Ethiopians, Congolese, Somalis & Tanzanians are nearly treated if not almost like nationals or citizens of this country!
It’s allegedly said that some even have Ugandans passports! Ministry of internal affairs should investigate.
They study, work and reside freely unlike Ugandans living their countries.
The reason why a few Ugandans products are found in East African countries is that government has not played a fair and clean game for its people.
Just travel to Kenya, you’ll only see splash juice as a Ugandan product in there super markets but see how many banks, hypermarkets, restaurants, internet kiosks that Kenyans have, run or operate here!!
PDP says the time is now for us to get ready for this vast market; Uganda must wake up.
It should not be a few people in the government alongside there relatives and comrades to yield out this is as it has always been; a point in case is CHOGM.
The Uganda government must be by now compiling and winding up it’s research for channels and avenues in which Ugandans are to benefit as the Kenyan government did that’s why Kenyans banks businesses r now in operation here.
Uganda’s neighbors should give space for our people to be treated as East Africans as it is here.
Finally Ugandans must know that the other part of true patriotism that president Museveni has not talked about is beyond joining UPDF and going for Mukyaka-mukyaka The authentic strong love for nation can be portrayed if we choose to support & sponsor our own people.
People’s Development Party is not telling you to abscond and cancel transactions with foreigners rather to give our nationals the first priority.
We should happily welcome and be customers with our own banks, companies, shops, firms, organizations, industries buy our own products; that’s how we shall benefit and develop.
And I am not saying that our firms and manufacturers should take advantage of this so as not to improve on the quality of there products and services.
For God and My Country.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
People’s Development Party National Coordinator
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