Hi guys, I'm Alex Jakana and at Africa Have Your Say we are considering airing the above debate next week. It was proposed by Alex Mwange who points out that despite the DRCongo having an elected president and one of largest UN peace keeping forces in the world, residents in the eastern part of the country are still suffering and dying at the hands of militia.Mr Mwange suggests that perhaps it's time security in the region was outsourced to private military contractors. Do you agree?Should the AU consider outsourcing it's peace and security operations? if not why?Share your thoughts on the discussion board and leave a phone number if you'd like to take part in the radio debate.
Thanks Alex
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin-Law Development Center Makerere-Uganda. Well, I would suggest that security remains in the hands of the Government alongside the UN peacekeeping forces. The only challenge I observe is that the peace-keeping forces have in a meanwhile failed to confront and defeat enemies of peace. Under no reason shall we listen to demands of such people and neither should we allow a combined government in the name of restoring peace because this will become an uncontrollable flu that will scatter to rest of African region where rebel conflicts now prevail just like in countries where votes are rigged and at the end of the day we have unified governments! The question should either be; Where such militia groups acquire support and who is supporting them? By that, we can be able to trace out the channel through which they acquire ammunition and we shall then call the international community to punish the supporters. I would finally recommend the A U to consider outstanding it’s operations in a mean time as we identify the back bone of the enemy power.
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