P O BOX 31633
Phone: +256752650917
Website: www.pdpuganda.org
E-mail: bwanika77@yahoo.com
Date Thur 18th Feb 2010
Much as the opposition emerged winner in Mbale municipality by-elections on Tuesday this week; the country and the entire world should know that the irregularities involved in all past elections-small or big depict deficiency and inefficiency of the Electro Commission.
It ought to be done voluntarily always for the E.C removing names of voters from the voters register. There have never been sound explanations as to why many voters’ names at the last moment do not appear.
Apart from nature factors the E.C should tell us why at so many occasions voting facilities are either not enough, arrive late or seem not in place.
If the E.C is to organize free and fair elections; must it be committed, transparent and never manipulated by any political party.
PDP wants minister Werikhe who allegedly got involved in the violent incident in which one person was shot and injured during the elections to be prosecuted.
His explanation is not vivid to assume innocence because you cannot just order your escort to shoot whenever there’s suspicion of danger- and danger of what magnitude?
Losing a Ugandan citizen at the order of minister counts much and we can not tolerate such orders and scenarios prevail.
Dr Mutende and all people who were affected and sustained injuries as a result of this should be compensated and treated by the minister himself. We have witnessed heads of state resigning or forced to do so as a result of there own mistakes. Bill Clinton stepped down because of a woman; how about here?
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
PDP National Coordinator