Monday, September 9, 2013
Young Politician Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Has Expressed Interest again for Kampala Central Parliamentary Position and Has Written to State House & National Resistance Movement Secretariat Asking for NRM Flag. Kivumbi 24 Years of age first contested for MP of Kampala Central at the age of 21 in 2011. Following Judges' Verdict in which Mr. Nsereko Mohammad Zakke a "Rebel MP" has been ousted out of Parliament Finally, Kivumbi now believes that the Time is Now. Using his very 2011 Slogan "BECAUSE WE LOVE OUR CITY" this time he adds BECAUSE WE LOVE OUR CITY, TIME IS NOW. He is yet to call a Press Conference of declare his candidature but appeals to all who supported him in the last elections ad those who didn't to join up this time and send him to Parliament. Kivumbi further requests all those who can to donate U $1 or more towards his Campaign as last time he had a low budget. The Soft-spoken fellow on Friday night Appeared on 90 FM Radio One and unleashed his manifesto. Please post this on your walls and share with Friends. http://presidentkivumbi.wordpress.com/2013/09/09/breaking-news-kivumbi-to-hold-nrm-flag-in-kampala-central-parliamentary-bye-election-2013/

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Kivumbi Meets Museveni, Facebook Comments
Gents n Ladies, I Have Met HIM, Right in His New Palace. We Have Dinned n Interacted up to 3:00am Dis Morning. He is so knowledgeable And A Humble man. People, Dis is Wat I Can Say 4 Now about President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni BUT We're Still in Talks.
Thursday at 3:39pm • UnlikeLike • Comment
• You, Lutaaya Geoffrey, Uwineza Mark, Flavia Okene Apio and 2 others like this.
• 50 of 55
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Isaac, I will, dis is not de last time to meet him, it's just a beginning sir.
Thursday at 4:08pm • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Hope u r nt throwing yo self in the toilet my man and ipray u dont board da Bus of darkness. Inbox me katini we talk mo. .
Thursday at 4:32pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Jose, lets not go inbox. I can be record, lets discuss all biz here. U know ma dream, u know Africa. I need de support of de Ruling Government which ever it is to get there sir.
Thursday at 4:40pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Benson Sseruwagi So all of a sudden yo realizing how humble he is, and yo having talks with him. what if he lures u into joining him will u stand for what u believe?
Thursday at 4:41pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Benson, the AMERICANS have wat we call de AMERICAN DREAM, whether u r a Republican or Democrat it stands n remains. We all make mistakes, whether we r in opposition or in government. But how can we correct them and pursue our dream. Dis is de gist of de matter sir.
Thursday at 4:47pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Joseph Ndaula Walidde sente Ggwe guy, u are jst abt 2step down 4 hajji Nsereko in da name of astate house Job..
Thursday at 4:53pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi Kivumbi Americans have the American dream and their actions reveal that they work for the interest of the nation. But we all know what museveni's agenda is. We've been following what's been happening in hoima and other places. All he wants is you to be on his side. Period. Otherwise I dont have any problem if the ruling party works with the opposition for the people's interests. I think mao has demonstrated that.
Thursday at 4:59pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Joseph sir, ma heart is beyond money, is beyond job, I tell u even wen de president doesn't employee me or even pay me, I will accept to carry his files with him wherever he travels around de world. he will introduce me to big Heads of State and tell them to back my 2027 Presidential Dream sir. if it was money, I would go to biz and get money but i entered politics b'cos i love dis nation and dis continent n I need people of high caliber to help me get there sir.
Thursday at 5:03pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Joseph Ndaula Benson < inw believe u ! Al elites of this nation save 4 the Beneficiaries ov the ruling govt wil vote 4 Mao. We r together with dat.
Thursday at 5:05pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi
Kivumbi yo disappointing me. Yes it's an honour to meet the president but that doesn't have to trigger you into singing praise to him. Let me ask did you mention to him all the injustices you feel in his administration? I can't believe this... all of a sudden you are accepting to carry his files which same files contain material that you are oppossed to because you want 2 be introduced to heads of state? That means you have say yes to everything he says becoz if u dont then yo not gonna be introduced. Now listen to me my brother before you consider your 2027 dream, the consider the freedom of your people first. Go and be a voice for them and see if they will not send u to that palace in 2027 without m7's back up. Its d pple who vote not those heads of state. and 4 yo own information, there's a succesion list already drawn in the movt so if yo thinking abt 2027, 4get. All they want is to use you. Thats allSee More
Thursday at 5:17pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Who r de Elites? R u despising our grand parents, our common people who r down there in de villages and ghettos of dis nation but never went 2 school? U r wrong u need to show sm respect sir. Those people r de majority voters and determine who our next president and leaders! U de elites as you call yo self do not even vote. U r so busy to do so. Mid yo tongue Jose.
Thursday at 5:18pm • LikeUnlike
Omuana Isaacs
Ndaula, stop dreaming in broad day light... u & who? u expect Mao 2 be announced president by Kiggundu??? then be sworn in by d chief justice??? both pipo he says he doesn't trust their competence? dat wud mean they commit suicide dat ver...y day. M7 munene nyo 2 be taken down by yo lousy ballot kid! Will Mao bring his own Kayihura & Nyakairima or he will use these ones?? Uganda has Security opperatives dat are not even knwn by Parliament coz they get their Salary straight from State House, wat will u do when they become thugs robbing pipo like Obote Regime??? Some pipo are so frustrated with thier life dat now r starting to think of a pilitical saviour who is going to liberate everyone like a Hero.
M7 munene nyo temumusobola.. ate mugezi, kano akalulu kongera credibility ye abroad alyoke abafuge emyaka gyayagala like Fidel Castro.
Long live M7....naloooo!See More
Thursday at 5:27pm • LikeUnlike
Omuana Isaacs @ Kivumbi, its good u have seen d light...to get up there u need solid connections. D man is very well connected. wish u luck bro....
Thursday at 5:28pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Benson sir, I absolutely believe in this notion and dats wat i expect u and other compatriots to say but believe me or not Power and Leadership comes from de God of Heaven.Wether there's a successors or not, i believe there's a special grac...e on every leader with he is bad or not. Opposition leaders also do make "mistakes", sm of which u r unable to identify. Dis is not the point, de point is, how can I use the wisdom, determination and influence I have to serve the nation and people I have always loved. Me working in any ruling government dat ushers in is a blessing. I can still be of a blessing to me while in a ruling government as i can in opposition.Aren't there guys u r proud of in the ruling government?See More
Thursday at 5:29pm • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry get me some one who has ever stopped the sun from shining or the rain, there are some things that can't be control'd by man n they have 2 happen 1 day...
Thursday at 5:38pm via Facebook Mobile • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Isaac sir, wen look at a president lets not be shallow minded. Sm colleagues like Ndaula are missing out smth. Does he know that foreign policy matters? How is yo r/ship with those super powers, do they believe in u? wat about de army ? do u have its command or will even be elected by people n de following day they bring u down. Joseph, dis is Africa. Think beyond sir.
Thursday at 5:41pm • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry Kivumbi u have changed so much...plz try to avoid disappoint ments!
Thursday at 5:41pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin I totally agree, these things r beyond human control but specifically in dis thread sir, can u give us an example?
Thursday at 5:45pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi You know what Earnest, The choice is in your hands, do what u feel will take you some where and that's being on his side but remember your no longer gonna be free to speak out on anything just the way u want.
Thursday at 5:46pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi What's president Bwanika's stand on this?
Thursday at 5:48pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Benson, do not run away from dis thread discussion, de issue is telling de world why u r saying wat and for wat. If u think u have strong reasons to stop Earnest from "serving" not "working" then tell de world sir. Am giving u strong reasons why I may serve in de ruling government.
Thursday at 5:50pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Olimu answer mwokulukunya: u r playing in de answer" Automatically as ma "boss" he can not let me go, u know very well wat this means esp at dis time but let me tell u, not even ma former boss John Ken Lukyamuzi wanted me to go but today we... still shake hands, gives me a lift when we meets on de way and tells me 'kivumbi, u r a fighter, why did u have 2 go?. but certain times in life we must "let go" there comes a time nga oyina kumila pine and do it, come wat may b'cos we differ in dreams n making dats y our choices smt differ and r challenged by by many.See More
Thursday at 5:57pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi I dont have any problem with you working with NRM if you only promise me that you will stick to the truth and critisize them openly as always including the boss himself
Thursday at 6:07pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin I promise I will sir. Thanks very much.
Thursday at 6:13pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi ok
Thursday at 6:17pm • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula NRM juuuuu !
Thursday at 6:18pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin NRM juuuu!
Thursday at 6:20pm • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:22pm via Facebook Mobile • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:22pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:23pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Ahahahaha, thanks so much. Allow me guys post dis thread to de media and also post it on ma webiste.
Thursday at 6:23pm • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry Kivumbi give me 10 diffrent reason why u 'must' join NRM.
Thursday at 6:38pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:42pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
1-I have realized I stand better chances to reclaim the African Presidential Dream with the Ruling Government.
2-We have a Dream as a country which must pursue together, whether we're in opposition or in government; this should be considere...d by all politicians who r not looking dat there personal ambitions.
3-NRM is still strong all over the country, hate it ot love it.
4-Museveni has dominated a better foreign policy and makes the world believe that Uganda is the super power in Africa, militarily...
5- They have made mistakes, but we can re correct, reconcile and rebuild together-there's still room and chance to fight those which have failed in the recent past like zero Torrence on corruption...
6-I admire President Museveni as a person just as I do to kiiza Besigye, Abed Bwanika and John Ken Lukyamuzi. These guys are "fighters", have zeal n determination.
7-Power comes from God and if i t hasn't yet given it to Mao, Bwanika or Besigye it means Museveni still has it. "Join those ones you can not defeat, do not be jealousy or hate them"
8-The opposition has no funds or enough funds yet money answers all things says the Bible.
9-As a Young Man I need to work in institutions, get to know which is which and get links in all institutions for my political career.
10-Museveni promises to introduce me to African leaders and his friends and I work closely with him, he is also ganna support ma family. Point blank, i must tell de world the truth.See More
Thursday at 6:58pm • UnlikeLike • 2 peopleLoading...
Johannes Harmfred iam glad u did meet him
Thursday at 7:28pm • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Enock Henry how do u trust all that he said 2 u Mr. Kivumbi?
Thursday at 8:36pm • LikeUnlike
Kayizzi Lukyamuzi Mr Kivumbi u speak like u were born yesterday. I mean u r just realising some of the things u mention. Okay, what was he like before u realised those attributes?
Friday at 6:45am • LikeUnlike
Sebuufu Andrew what a coward !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday at 10:08am • LikeUnlike
Sande Edwin The debate is hot, that's all i can say. All the best!
Friday at 11:03am • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Sande Edwin http://blogs.forbes.com/work-in-progress/2011/01/03/reverse-mentoring-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-beneficial/
Friday at 11:18am • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry i here by conclude...Had Mr. Kivumbi not met the President personaly, he wldn't have joined NRM. There4 every shld first have a personal talk wit Museveni be4 he/she joins his party...
Friday at 1:59pm via Facebook Mobile • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Thanks u Hamfred.
Friday at 10:58pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Am yet to know sir Mr Enock, but I believe he will fulfill, its sm times his aides who may stand in ma way but God forbid.
Friday at 11:00pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Lukyamuzi, not born yesterday, I i look into de future sir.
Friday at 11:01pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Andrew, a coward? o no!
Friday at 11:01pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Thanks Edwin, indeed hot "hot seat"
Friday at 11:02pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Ahahahahahahaaha lol# Enock
Friday at 11:03pm • LikeUnlike
Kajjimu Ivan u going ladders.
Yesterday at 9:54am • LikeUnlike
Abed Bwanika big decisions are a result of big preparation NOT A RESULT OF DINNER TIME. TIME WILL PROVE IF YOU ARE MOVING THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
10 hours ago • LikeUnlike
Kajjimu Ivan @kivumbi heeeeee! now wc way are u? PDP or NRM
8 hours ago • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin No, Ivan, I haven't written to my party bosses datI have resigned in PDP nor have I written to the EC dat am stepping down.
a few seconds ago • Like
Thursday at 3:39pm • UnlikeLike • Comment
• You, Lutaaya Geoffrey, Uwineza Mark, Flavia Okene Apio and 2 others like this.
• 50 of 55
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Isaac, I will, dis is not de last time to meet him, it's just a beginning sir.
Thursday at 4:08pm • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Hope u r nt throwing yo self in the toilet my man and ipray u dont board da Bus of darkness. Inbox me katini we talk mo. .
Thursday at 4:32pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Jose, lets not go inbox. I can be record, lets discuss all biz here. U know ma dream, u know Africa. I need de support of de Ruling Government which ever it is to get there sir.
Thursday at 4:40pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Benson Sseruwagi So all of a sudden yo realizing how humble he is, and yo having talks with him. what if he lures u into joining him will u stand for what u believe?
Thursday at 4:41pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Benson, the AMERICANS have wat we call de AMERICAN DREAM, whether u r a Republican or Democrat it stands n remains. We all make mistakes, whether we r in opposition or in government. But how can we correct them and pursue our dream. Dis is de gist of de matter sir.
Thursday at 4:47pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Joseph Ndaula Walidde sente Ggwe guy, u are jst abt 2step down 4 hajji Nsereko in da name of astate house Job..
Thursday at 4:53pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi Kivumbi Americans have the American dream and their actions reveal that they work for the interest of the nation. But we all know what museveni's agenda is. We've been following what's been happening in hoima and other places. All he wants is you to be on his side. Period. Otherwise I dont have any problem if the ruling party works with the opposition for the people's interests. I think mao has demonstrated that.
Thursday at 4:59pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Joseph sir, ma heart is beyond money, is beyond job, I tell u even wen de president doesn't employee me or even pay me, I will accept to carry his files with him wherever he travels around de world. he will introduce me to big Heads of State and tell them to back my 2027 Presidential Dream sir. if it was money, I would go to biz and get money but i entered politics b'cos i love dis nation and dis continent n I need people of high caliber to help me get there sir.
Thursday at 5:03pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Joseph Ndaula Benson < inw believe u ! Al elites of this nation save 4 the Beneficiaries ov the ruling govt wil vote 4 Mao. We r together with dat.
Thursday at 5:05pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi
Kivumbi yo disappointing me. Yes it's an honour to meet the president but that doesn't have to trigger you into singing praise to him. Let me ask did you mention to him all the injustices you feel in his administration? I can't believe this... all of a sudden you are accepting to carry his files which same files contain material that you are oppossed to because you want 2 be introduced to heads of state? That means you have say yes to everything he says becoz if u dont then yo not gonna be introduced. Now listen to me my brother before you consider your 2027 dream, the consider the freedom of your people first. Go and be a voice for them and see if they will not send u to that palace in 2027 without m7's back up. Its d pple who vote not those heads of state. and 4 yo own information, there's a succesion list already drawn in the movt so if yo thinking abt 2027, 4get. All they want is to use you. Thats allSee More
Thursday at 5:17pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Who r de Elites? R u despising our grand parents, our common people who r down there in de villages and ghettos of dis nation but never went 2 school? U r wrong u need to show sm respect sir. Those people r de majority voters and determine who our next president and leaders! U de elites as you call yo self do not even vote. U r so busy to do so. Mid yo tongue Jose.
Thursday at 5:18pm • LikeUnlike
Omuana Isaacs
Ndaula, stop dreaming in broad day light... u & who? u expect Mao 2 be announced president by Kiggundu??? then be sworn in by d chief justice??? both pipo he says he doesn't trust their competence? dat wud mean they commit suicide dat ver...y day. M7 munene nyo 2 be taken down by yo lousy ballot kid! Will Mao bring his own Kayihura & Nyakairima or he will use these ones?? Uganda has Security opperatives dat are not even knwn by Parliament coz they get their Salary straight from State House, wat will u do when they become thugs robbing pipo like Obote Regime??? Some pipo are so frustrated with thier life dat now r starting to think of a pilitical saviour who is going to liberate everyone like a Hero.
M7 munene nyo temumusobola.. ate mugezi, kano akalulu kongera credibility ye abroad alyoke abafuge emyaka gyayagala like Fidel Castro.
Long live M7....naloooo!See More
Thursday at 5:27pm • LikeUnlike
Omuana Isaacs @ Kivumbi, its good u have seen d light...to get up there u need solid connections. D man is very well connected. wish u luck bro....
Thursday at 5:28pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Benson sir, I absolutely believe in this notion and dats wat i expect u and other compatriots to say but believe me or not Power and Leadership comes from de God of Heaven.Wether there's a successors or not, i believe there's a special grac...e on every leader with he is bad or not. Opposition leaders also do make "mistakes", sm of which u r unable to identify. Dis is not the point, de point is, how can I use the wisdom, determination and influence I have to serve the nation and people I have always loved. Me working in any ruling government dat ushers in is a blessing. I can still be of a blessing to me while in a ruling government as i can in opposition.Aren't there guys u r proud of in the ruling government?See More
Thursday at 5:29pm • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry get me some one who has ever stopped the sun from shining or the rain, there are some things that can't be control'd by man n they have 2 happen 1 day...
Thursday at 5:38pm via Facebook Mobile • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Isaac sir, wen look at a president lets not be shallow minded. Sm colleagues like Ndaula are missing out smth. Does he know that foreign policy matters? How is yo r/ship with those super powers, do they believe in u? wat about de army ? do u have its command or will even be elected by people n de following day they bring u down. Joseph, dis is Africa. Think beyond sir.
Thursday at 5:41pm • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry Kivumbi u have changed so much...plz try to avoid disappoint ments!
Thursday at 5:41pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin I totally agree, these things r beyond human control but specifically in dis thread sir, can u give us an example?
Thursday at 5:45pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi You know what Earnest, The choice is in your hands, do what u feel will take you some where and that's being on his side but remember your no longer gonna be free to speak out on anything just the way u want.
Thursday at 5:46pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi What's president Bwanika's stand on this?
Thursday at 5:48pm • LikeUnlike • 1 personLoading...
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Benson, do not run away from dis thread discussion, de issue is telling de world why u r saying wat and for wat. If u think u have strong reasons to stop Earnest from "serving" not "working" then tell de world sir. Am giving u strong reasons why I may serve in de ruling government.
Thursday at 5:50pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Olimu answer mwokulukunya: u r playing in de answer" Automatically as ma "boss" he can not let me go, u know very well wat this means esp at dis time but let me tell u, not even ma former boss John Ken Lukyamuzi wanted me to go but today we... still shake hands, gives me a lift when we meets on de way and tells me 'kivumbi, u r a fighter, why did u have 2 go?. but certain times in life we must "let go" there comes a time nga oyina kumila pine and do it, come wat may b'cos we differ in dreams n making dats y our choices smt differ and r challenged by by many.See More
Thursday at 5:57pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi I dont have any problem with you working with NRM if you only promise me that you will stick to the truth and critisize them openly as always including the boss himself
Thursday at 6:07pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin I promise I will sir. Thanks very much.
Thursday at 6:13pm • LikeUnlike
Benson Sseruwagi ok
Thursday at 6:17pm • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula NRM juuuuu !
Thursday at 6:18pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin NRM juuuu!
Thursday at 6:20pm • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:22pm via Facebook Mobile • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:22pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:23pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Ahahahaha, thanks so much. Allow me guys post dis thread to de media and also post it on ma webiste.
Thursday at 6:23pm • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry Kivumbi give me 10 diffrent reason why u 'must' join NRM.
Thursday at 6:38pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Joseph Ndaula Kyekyo Mr President ! Al was jst kidding iremember i told u dat first smtym bak, try and make aflash bak !
Thursday at 6:42pm via Facebook Mobile • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
1-I have realized I stand better chances to reclaim the African Presidential Dream with the Ruling Government.
2-We have a Dream as a country which must pursue together, whether we're in opposition or in government; this should be considere...d by all politicians who r not looking dat there personal ambitions.
3-NRM is still strong all over the country, hate it ot love it.
4-Museveni has dominated a better foreign policy and makes the world believe that Uganda is the super power in Africa, militarily...
5- They have made mistakes, but we can re correct, reconcile and rebuild together-there's still room and chance to fight those which have failed in the recent past like zero Torrence on corruption...
6-I admire President Museveni as a person just as I do to kiiza Besigye, Abed Bwanika and John Ken Lukyamuzi. These guys are "fighters", have zeal n determination.
7-Power comes from God and if i t hasn't yet given it to Mao, Bwanika or Besigye it means Museveni still has it. "Join those ones you can not defeat, do not be jealousy or hate them"
8-The opposition has no funds or enough funds yet money answers all things says the Bible.
9-As a Young Man I need to work in institutions, get to know which is which and get links in all institutions for my political career.
10-Museveni promises to introduce me to African leaders and his friends and I work closely with him, he is also ganna support ma family. Point blank, i must tell de world the truth.See More
Thursday at 6:58pm • UnlikeLike • 2 peopleLoading...
Johannes Harmfred iam glad u did meet him
Thursday at 7:28pm • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Enock Henry how do u trust all that he said 2 u Mr. Kivumbi?
Thursday at 8:36pm • LikeUnlike
Kayizzi Lukyamuzi Mr Kivumbi u speak like u were born yesterday. I mean u r just realising some of the things u mention. Okay, what was he like before u realised those attributes?
Friday at 6:45am • LikeUnlike
Sebuufu Andrew what a coward !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday at 10:08am • LikeUnlike
Sande Edwin The debate is hot, that's all i can say. All the best!
Friday at 11:03am • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Sande Edwin http://blogs.forbes.com/work-in-progress/2011/01/03/reverse-mentoring-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-beneficial/
Friday at 11:18am • LikeUnlike
Enock Henry i here by conclude...Had Mr. Kivumbi not met the President personaly, he wldn't have joined NRM. There4 every shld first have a personal talk wit Museveni be4 he/she joins his party...
Friday at 1:59pm via Facebook Mobile • UnlikeLike • 1 personLoading...
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Thanks u Hamfred.
Friday at 10:58pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Am yet to know sir Mr Enock, but I believe he will fulfill, its sm times his aides who may stand in ma way but God forbid.
Friday at 11:00pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Lukyamuzi, not born yesterday, I i look into de future sir.
Friday at 11:01pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Andrew, a coward? o no!
Friday at 11:01pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Thanks Edwin, indeed hot "hot seat"
Friday at 11:02pm • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin Ahahahahahahaaha lol# Enock
Friday at 11:03pm • LikeUnlike
Kajjimu Ivan u going ladders.
Yesterday at 9:54am • LikeUnlike
Abed Bwanika big decisions are a result of big preparation NOT A RESULT OF DINNER TIME. TIME WILL PROVE IF YOU ARE MOVING THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
10 hours ago • LikeUnlike
Kajjimu Ivan @kivumbi heeeeee! now wc way are u? PDP or NRM
8 hours ago • LikeUnlike
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin No, Ivan, I haven't written to my party bosses datI have resigned in PDP nor have I written to the EC dat am stepping down.
a few seconds ago • Like
Monday, November 1, 2010
Kivumbi's Cousin Tendo Daniel Nkajja Weds at 21 years of Age.
Kivumbi's Cousin Tendo Daniel Nkajja Weds at 21 years of Age.
Interesting I must say I do not know what you say about it but in the eyes of Yawey, I mean Jehovah God-the young man has taken one of the most perfect decisions and by that the young couple has won favor and and the blessings of God are yet to engulf them.
Daniel also known as Kidy born April 1989 is a profession pianist at Entebbe Full Gospel Church,
He takes homage in Entebbe though his parents are residents in Namasuba.
At this time there many questioning the scale of responsibility Kidy is getting into but I must tell you, there's no level in life where there's responsibility.
Viola Nakimba 19 is the girl she's getting married to this December, the Introduction ceremony (traditional marriage) is set this weekend Sat 06th Non 10. Viola will be taking her husband to be in Masaka where her parents live.
Th couple will be exchanging marriage vows at there church in Entebbe. I have decided to run this story on to inspire young people and those ageing but fear marriage. Many regard it at complicated basing on the words they hear and what they seem to see in some marriages. Let me challenge you, what you wanna see in your marriage is what you make it. Do not fear to make this commitment in guise of money and lack of trust in your spouse. Just have a feeling that yours will work out. As for and my lover Flavia Apio we shall get marriage net year 2011.
E K Benjamin Report.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Busoga Saga

Busoga SAGA
It’s close to 3 years now since His Highness Henry Wako Muloki the Kyabazinga of Busoga died.
It has come at a time when His Excellency President Museveni is on his 10 day tour in the Busoga Region. A region characterized of vicious poverty. Once one of Uganda’s most cherished and prospered region now in ruins!
The kingdom remains without a king and it’s the Uganda government’s deliberate attempts to hinder Basoga from electing a Kyabazinga.
PDP urges the president not to just tour. President Museveni should be able tackle and resolve various problems affecting the Basoga. There’s no justification of people dying of jiggers in this 21st Century.
The government should ensure re-industrialization of Jinja. This will open doors of opportunities for the people of Busoga.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Deputy Spokes Person PDP
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Electricity; Uranium for Energy, Kivumbi Unleashes shocking facts

Electricity; Uranium for Energy
A nation that does not supply or manufacture enough energy for it's citizens will never sustain fully it's economy.
And if there's any chance to increase energy development, we've got to do it faster .
Uganda's energy distribution does not fully require private sector involvement if we are do away with exploitation.
Always the most important and crucial sectors of the economy need to be in hands of the government to necessitate requisition and utilization of resources, services and commodities on affordable fees by every national.
This explains why it was a mistake for the only Hydro Electricity Power distribution government enterprise to be privatized.
PDP is not saying that UMEME has not lived to it's expectations and that it's services are undesirable.
This should be got clearly that much as this company strives for excellency in the provision of it's services, many Ugandans remain dissatisfied especially at this time;
Whereas being a business like any other profit oriented company- it's not fair thinking about fixing a standard fee on electricity consumption as it wants to do (consumption of 0-50 units for 12000 UG X and 50-70 units for 26000 UG X).
An honest company would continue charging only for what a consumer has used.
Ugandans should also help UMEME while it losses millions every year to those who consume unpaid power and to those who steal it's gadgets.
PDP advocates for gentle and polite approach to this issue, we want electricity prices as mentioned in this year's budget to be implemented.
We ask that the power project in Jinja be not delayed.
There's no problem building a Uranium Power plant since we have this mineral in abundance as long as we comply with the International Laws.
President Museveni should not give politicians as an excuse for failed government programs like Kaluma Dam power project.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
People's Development Party Deputy Spokes Person
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Electricity; Uranium for Energy

And if there's any chance to increase energy development, we've got to do it faster .
Uganda's energy distribution does not fully require private sector involvement if we are do away with exploitation.
Always the most important and crucial sectors of the economy need to be in hands of the government to necessitate requisition and utilization of resources, services and commodities on affordable fees by every national.
This explains why it was a mistake for the only Hydro Electricity Power distribution government enterprise to be privatized.
PDP is not saying that UMEME has not lived to it's expectations and that it's services are undesirable.
This should be got clearly that much as this company strives for excellency in the provision of it's services, many Ugandans remain dissatisfied especially at this time;
Whereas being a business like any other profit oriented company- it's not fair thinking about fixing a standard fee on electricity consumption as it wants to do (consumption of 0-50 units for 12000 UG X and 50-70 units for 26000 UG X).
An honest company would continue charging only for what a consumer has used.
Ugandans should also help UMEME while it losses millions every year to those who consume unpaid power and to those who steal it's gadgets.
PDP advocates for gentle and polite approach to this issue, we want electricity prices as mentioned in this year's budget to be implemented.
We ask that the power project in Jinja be not delayed.
There's no problem building a Uranium Power plant since we have this mineral in abundance as long as we comply with the International Laws.
President Museveni should not give politicians as an excuse for failed government programs like Kaluma Dam power project.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
People's Development Party Deputy Spokes Person
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Uganda Voter Registration Ending on 14th June
Are you a Ugandan? Are you in the country ?
Are you 18 years and above?
Are you registered as a voter? If not, run quickly to a nearest Voter Registration center and do so or confirm your eligibility to vote for the 2011 National Elections before 14 June 2010.
P O BOX 3977 Kampala Uganda.
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